Clients should ask potential clients these questions when looking for a license appeals attorney:
“What is your success rate in these hearings over the last 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?”
“How many hearings on average do you conduct in a month? Year?”
“Can you show me statistics to prove your success?”
“What makes you different from other attorneys when it comes to license appeals?”
There is no “magical formula” for how driver’s license appeals are won in Michigan. Instead, success in these hearings requires a lot of hard work, dedication, attention to detail and preparation. And, a client’s chances of success increase dramatically by using an actual license appeals specialist to guide them. Asking the questions above will help clients find the best option for help—at a time when they need it most. After all, the importance of having a license to live, to work, to provide is immeasurable. So, having the best license appeals attorney to assist is also immeasurable in its importance.
For a dedicated, experienced and successful license appeals attorney in Michigan, please contact Dan Geherin and his team at GLG Michigan. We’re available 24/7, and will help put you at ease, form a plan to handle the appeal, and fight aggressively to restore your license. Visit us at MILicenseAttorney.com, or call 24/7 (734) 263-2780.
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